On Monday I had the AMAZING privilege of being included in Martha Stewart's first Twitter section. I adore her taste, style and organization. Because we have 2 wee-ones, we decided to make a little getaway and stay for the night at Fashion 26 in NYC - SO nice!
Here is our day in pictures:
Dinner! Spinach & artichoke dip, baked chips, Angus burger with Brie and mushrooms and pickles to make your pants fall off.

The next morning: Eggs Benedict and coffee to that made me cry. YUM!

Waiting in line... a very, very long line....

The green room....

After the show Martha posed for a picture with her first Twitter gang. It was awesome!
So after the show we had some lunch and came back tot he hotel, where they snapped my picture for "Best Dressed Guest"! LOL the scarf was a huge hit. I passed out 25+ cards, got first row at Martha and will be shown on the
Fashion 26 blog!