
Soon to be found at the Willow Tree Shop!

Hello all! I am proud to say that soon you will be able to purchase my pieces at the Willow Tree Shop in Scranton. Here are scarves that I have made especially to sell there. If you would like to purchase one online (b/c you aren't local) Please just email me at meg@kissmystyle.com and I can pick it up for you from the shop and mail it out! Otherwise, Please stop by the Willow Tree Shop!

Here is a sneak peek of some of the new scarves!


3 thoughts:

Sandman said...

They are beautiful!

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

I absolutely ADORE these scarves... such talent! I'm trying to figure out which one I'm going to buy. Simply lovely.

♥ KNITTING ART said...

Lovely!!! Liked your Style ;)